Police Officers

Sgt. Richard Borden of Memphis Police Department – Irritated by Me Saying the Word “Raped”!

My crime was saying that I was raped. This one word has been the anchor due Sgt. Richard Borden of Memphis Police Department (IBM # of 0044). He was leader of hiding my rape and abuse. Sgt. Borden’s action has caused a chain reaction that led me to having to obtain help from the federal government to seek protection because the Shelby County District Attorney’s Office and Memphis City Police ignored and literally buried their heads in the sand to conceal what they did to me.

I was raped on [date concealed] by someone, who I trusted and confided about the molestation that I had endured from countless men for almost the entire duration of my childhood life. My rape is NOT an allegation; it is a fact. I hid underneath a coffee table. I placed a box facing the opening of the living room doorway and gathered a dark sheet that would further disguise me. I crawled under the table and slept in a fetal position to avoid my feet and head protruding from each end of the table. Eventually, I fell asleep with the small space heater near my head. I guess that I moved in my sleep because my head was protruding from the table when my rapist startled me by loudly saying something like “what are doing under the table.” I just stared up at him. Eventually, my rapist left, so I felt like everything would be ok, so I moved my legs for a more comfortable position, but I remained under the table. Then, I fell back asleep. I was awaken again now by the table being moved off of my body by my rapist, which startled me again. My rapist forced his knees in-between my legs and wedged them apart. I began pleading with him and I kept saying no please no. Once my abuser began raping me, I started crying and turned my head to the side. After he had finished raping me, he got up and stated, “I’m sorry lil lady,” and left the room. All I could do was cry myself back to sleep.

As a child, I experienced and witnessed sexual abuse from a step-father, cousins, family friends, and uncles. However, nothing prepared me for being raped by the only man that I had ever trusted in my entire life. A new feeling morphed from the rape of feeling dead inside. I was alive, but that rape killed me. You don’t want to know feeling of being alive, but feeling dead. The closest thing that I can mention is the movie, “What’s Love Got to Do With It?”. When Ike walked into that room and raped Tina, she died, but her body was alive. So, when she tried to kill herself afterwards, she was just trying to match her body with how her soul felt: dead.

My abuser killed me that night. Body alive; soul dead.

Sgt. Richard Borden, you and the rest of the criminal gang of officers had NO right to hide and suppress my rape. The Memphis Police Department had 2 schemes working: In the public, they concealed my abuse, but the internal files acknowledged it as my face was battered. However, in both the public and internal files, they concealed my rape in every aspect.

Putting a face and name on all of these officers, who have caused so much trauma and distress, is needed. Their actions allowed my abuser to flourish in harassing, stalking me, getting away with trying to kill me again, pulling out guns around my child again, lying in court on my child and getting away with it, and trying to physically abuse my child.

This police department has terroristic style policing strategies, which is a public safety concern. 

My rapist made up elaborate tales even to Sgt. Bradley, but he didn’t have to do much work because Sgt. Borden was 2 steps ahead of him. Sgt. Borden punished me for saying the word “raped”.

My rapist admitted to Sgt. Bradley to being an alcoholic, who could not remember how he got home nor remember the spelling of my child’s name. None of these officers questioned it. 

A gang of men in uniform protecting a rapist and a woman beater, who chased and cornered me, as I tried to escape. I had every right to defend myself. These criminal officers had no right to determine if I lived or died because those were my only options. You all are not heroes; You all are criminals in uniform, who get away with crimes.

The names of the criminal gang members in the District Attorney’s Officer and in police uniform from the Memphis Police Department, who hold the keys to my ongoing disastrous situation:

  1. Sgt. Richard Borden, who is a white male, with an IBM # of 0044 – He was leader of the lie. This “officer” is a psychopath in my opinion.
  2. Sgt. Barnabus Bradley, who is a black male, with an IBM # of 2305
  3. Sgt. Kevin Covington, who is a black male, with an IBM # of 2470
  4. Officer Brian Redick, who is a black male, with an IBM # of 10619
  5. Officer R. Finnie, who is a black male, with an IBM #  of 6869
  6. Officer Margaret Walker, who is a black female, with an IBM # of 2467
  7. Lt. J. Bell with an IBM # of 0690
  8. Shelby County District Attorney Glenda Adams (BPR #019948), who is a black female, was the DA that helped MPD permanently conceal my rape. Officers would not be allowed to get away with crimes if not for the participation of the District Attorney’s office, which was the case in the murder of my father as well. Now, Glenda Adams was indicted in 2021 for allegations of conspiring with Memphis Police officers, which was investigated by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.

I have learned NEVER trust police officers. Keep a record (written, audio, text, and video) on everything. If anyone harasses or stalks you, you create a timeline with evidence to accompany it. This would be my best advice to anyone.

Now, in the document below is a text message from my abuser admitting to trying to kill me in front of my child, trying to kill other people in front of my child, and so on (green boxes is my child and the gray is my abuser). Also, I can prove my rape as he admitted on audio of removing the coffee table and getting on top of me. In the audio, you can even hear my rapist apologizing for RAPING me. Memphis Police Department and Shelby County District Attorney has the evidence below and they are still trying to bury it.

*Note: If you don’t see the attached image directly below, please keep refreshing your browser until it loads. To download the text messages use the arrow on the top right hand corner. To scroll and read the entire length of the text messages tap on the image and move the cursors up and down. If image doesn’t show or respond, please refresh your browser.  If refreshing the browers does not work, please switch from phone to a computer.

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As you saw from the text message above, you will note that my abuser is so brazen that he will admit to crimes in a text message. At first glance, it will appear that he has remorse over all of the abuse and lies, but scroll to his final response: What happened time to just move on from the past. These are not words from a father who is truly remorseful for causing so much trauma to his child, lying on his child, and abusing and trying to kill the mother in front of the child.

Why does my abuser feel so carefree in admitting in text some of his abuse? Maybe because he has gotten away with it all and feels embolden to do so. My abuser was simply trying to lure us over. These criminal officers gave this monster a license to get away with every crime inflicted upon us.


Disclaimer:  I have no intentions of harming others or myself. I have not broken any laws. I have no intentions of running away. If I am murdered, come up missing, or something similar happens to close members of my family or friends, look at all of the individuals and police departments mentioned in this website. I am less afraid of my rapist and more afraid of these department (including detectives and police officers) and prosecutors.

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