About Us

About Us?

Since 2018, I have been an investigative journalist, who writes editorial research online and in printed news articles, which looks into the behavior and history of public funded employees, but my focus is on police officers, detectives, and district attorneys.

Neither my undergrad nor master’s degree focused in this field, but my legal background has aided me in uncovering puzzle pieces of injustice and corruption to obtain the answers. My journalist career has become my mission due to my own experiences with corrupt officials, who have left a tremendous amount of trauma in their pathway, as they embarked on an elaborate cover up of my rape, my abuse, and my father’s murder.

I am in a federal program, which was meant to protect my child and me from my abuser. I had to remain extremely quite for our safety and have been an anonymous reporter on several publications to the public. However, I have grown far more afraid of police officers, detectives, and district attorneys than my abuser, as those people have the power to kill and frame you with almost impunity. So, the secrecy in exchange for an ounce of safety is coming at a cost to me due to Montina (employee at Collierville Police), Tayvana Todd (Montina’s daughter), Collierville Police Department, Detective Eric Shirkey of Collierville Police, Lt. David Yelvington of Collierville Police, and Shelby County District Attorney (name(s) coming soon as detective won’t provide me with the prosecutor’s name). So, I have no choice, but to come out. Tayvana Todd has threatened and intimidated me with no recourse, as the prosecutor refused to subpoena my witness, the video and audio evidence, and me, as they embark on covering up another crime. I surmise that most of this is retaliation from the Shelby County District Prosecutors Office as well as from certain police officers in the Memphis City Police Department and Collierville Police Department, as many of these departments are aware of my ongoing investigations into their department.

In addition, an officer at Collierville Police has been sharing my location and details with their family members, which are placing additional safety concerns on my family and my own life. This is a small city, so this information circulated rather quickly.

However, I will not be deterred from reporting corrupt officers and prosecutors. As always, I close with this disclosure: I don’t want to harm others or myself. I do not plan on “disappearing” or running away. I have not committed any illegal acts. If anything happens to me, it will be because I was either murdered by a police officer or a fictitious and/or malicious prosecution will be created to bury my voice and conceal their crimes, which is a common tactic of theirs. I have made peace with my choice on speaking up.  

My commitment to the public is to offer transparency. I am not a person against police officer or the district attorney’s office. Matter of fact, I believe that we should pay police officers at least $100,000 per year (depending on the location, it should be higher) along with proper training and extensive mental health support. However, I will never support a Police Department or District Attorney’s Office that conceals corruption in any form. Accountability is the only acceptable means to avoid a corrupt system. This site is holding them accountable. You are not above the law. 

This website is made for citizens without bias or corruption.