Police Officers

Detective Eric Shirkey of Collierville Police Department

Intentionally, Detective Eric Shirkey failed to properly investigate and request for video footage in my case against Tayvana Todd. As I recall the first interaction with Shirkey was at the time that I was signing a form, so that an arrest warrant could take place: one thing stood out, he told me in a word soup conversation that “you won’t have to come to court”. Since my child had to sign an affidavit a few days prior, I was so concerned about my child’s protection and secrecy from my abuser that I never bothered to address his statement. I confided in Detective Shirkey that I was concerned with the safety of my daughter and that I am in a federal program to help hide us.

After reflecting, I realize that he must think that I was very stupid because that statement of “you won’t have to come to court” meant that I was never going to be subpoenaed for court. Detective Shirkey was supposed to investigate; right! Thus, why did he never ask for any of the video footage?

When I emailed Detective Shirkey with a full timeline on 9/22/21 with notations that video was available, it was similar to hearing crickets, as he never once mentioned to submit any of the footage to him. Now, this is rather poor “investigative” work. The only thing that he said with a face that I am sure was covered in grimace and disdain, as I heard the coldness in his tone: you can go get a protection order. Due to my extreme distrust in the legal system, it would be potential traumatizing and more than likely a complete waste of my time. So, I choose an easier pathway of waiting for a court date and showing a judge all the evidence.

I have a few questions for Detective Shirkey:

  1. How did you narrate this case against Tayana Todd?
  2. Why did you not pursue harassment charges against Tayvana Todd?
  3. What information did you submit to the prosecutor?
  4. What evidence did you include or exclude?
  5. Did you try to get a statement from Tayvana Todd?
  6. Why didn’t you ask for all of the video footage that I mentioned?
  7. Where you know apart of officers who was going around telling people about my protection status and my location, amongst other things?
  8. Why did you never respond to let me know the name of the prosecutor?
  9. Do you know Montina who works at Collierville Police?
  10. When you turned very combative on 10/5/21, did you change anything in my case?

Those are questions that I am sure he will never answer. Detective Shirkey, you are corrupt. I am sure that you think of yourself as the “good guy”. I assure that you are not. I am sure that you are determined to have my head on stick: jail or otherwise. The hate that I heard and saw from you was evident. You are a very poor actor, but I am sure that you are a great liar, which is what the police department trains you to do.

I am a pretty transparent journalist. I will be inquiring about your personnel file, which is supposed to be public records, so I am going to document any opposition because I anticipate push back and long wait times.

Below is the timeline pertinent to Detective Shirkey:

On September 16, 2021, the arrest warrant was issued for Tayvanan Todd to the best of my knowledge. This is the day that I met Detective Eric Shirkey. During this encounter, he stated, “you won’t have to come to court”. Since my child had to sign an affidavit, I was so concerned about my child’s protection and secrecy from my abuser that I never bothered to address that statement. I confided in Detective Shirkey that I am concerned with the safety of my daughter and that I am in a federal program to help hide me. He told me some recent updates to that program that wasn’t available at the time that it helped me. 

On September 20, 2021, Tayvana Todd went through the house once again yelling around 10:11 am, which was odd behavior once again, but was repeated behavior from September 19, 2021. At 11:02 am, Tayvana started with sitting in her car again, starring at my car, starring at my door, and so on. I had to walk out of the door to leave to pick up the police report to give to the apartment manager, as he requested a copy. Upon pulling back up at my apartment, Tayvana glared down at me without breaking her gaze. I walked in my house and the mother arrived. I had to leave back out to finally give the apartment manager the report. I rushed in my car to avoid having Tayvana star at me for long periods of time. When I came back home, Tayvana was standing within 2 feet at the rear of my car, which was located 4 parking spots down from her black Chevy Aveo. This was very odd and strange behavior as she has never done this before. All during this day, Tayvana kept staring at me, my front door, having her body turned outside of her car, remaining inside her car even during rain, and so on. Montina would arrive and leave several times and it doesn’t seem like Montina even questioned Tayvana’s odd behavior of sitting outside and staring at my door. At 5:27 pm, Montina had arrived, parked, and had also started sitting in her car. At 5:39 pm, Tayvana opened the passenger side door of the gold Pontiac G6, Tayvana got inside the car with her mother, Montina, and made a jester towards my car. At that time, I saw and heard Montina get out of her car and begin laughing really loud. Tayvana went back to her car. Tayvana remained outside from 11:02 am until almost 6:00 pm with little time spent in the house or actually driving. She remained outside which was very intimidating and it placed me in fear that she would attack me at any moment. It was like she was waiting to do something. I didn’t know what weapons that she may have in her possession. In addition, I kept in mind the threat that Tayvana made upon me and the fact that her mother, Montina, once told me that her daughter was involved with a gang of people and that Tayvana was included in using guns, knives, tasers, and fighting. In addition, I was confident that the mother was also helping her daughter in intimidating me after witnessing Tayvana’s behavior inside the car and the mother’s, Montina, response to it. As a result of this intimation from Tayvana, I called Detective Eric Shirkey at 901-457-2849 at 5:53 pm and left a message asking for him to call me as Tayvana was trying to intimidate me. As a result of this involvement of Montina, I called her boss, Lt. Yelvington, at 5:57 pm and left a message.

Late night on September 21, 2021, I started typing the timeline of all of the behavior that has happened to give a timeline of events to show the magnitude of harassment and intimidation. I completed this timeline and emailed it to eshirkey@colliervilletn.gov and dyelvington@colliervilletn.gov, which is Detective Eric Shirkey and Lt. David Yelvington’s email addresses. I begged them for their help, as I didn’t know what to do. It is my belief based on a series of evidence and behavior that Montina is either condoning Tayvana’s behavior or is attempting to conceal Tayvana’s behavior. In the closing of the complaint, I asked for Lt. Yellington or someone equivalent to start an investigation against Montina. In addition, I pleaded for their help in stopping this harassment and possible bodily harm to my child and/or me. Also, I asked Lt. Yelvington to investigate Montina’s attempt in intimidating me, but Lt. Yelvington completely ignored my email.

On September 22, 2021, Detective Eric Shirkey called me and referenced the email that I sent him earlier that morning. Det. Shirkey explained why he had not returned any of my phone calls, which did not really make sense, but I didn’t question it as I didn’t want to annoy him. I apologized for disturbing him, but I reiterated that this harassment from Tayvana Todd has been ongoing and she has increased it after being arrested.

On October 5, 2021, I emailed Detective Eric Shirkey to try to correct the police report from 9/21/21 yet again. He said that he could attach my email on the section that is not public and only people like judges and officers could see. I asked if it would bear my email address and he replied “yes.” At this point, I was nervous, as I had discovered that an officer at Collierville had shared details about me including my location to his family member, which placed my life in further jeopardy. In addition, I discovered that the district attorney, Glenda Adams, was just recently indicted as of August of 2021 on several felony offenses. Attorney Adams was the prosecutor that conspired with law enforcement to conceal my rape and abuse case. Thus, I was rather uncomfortable. When I remarked to Detective Shirkey that I have trust issues with police officers, he turned combative: raised his voice and stated “you called us!” as though to imply that I should not called the police. I asked him if the police report dated 9/21/21 could be corrected, as I have tried once before to have it corrected. Detective Shirkey said “No!”. I told him that he could include the email address and that I would just have to discard the email address. Once again, Detective Shirkey was combative with a raised tone and stated I don’t care what you do. Detective Shirkey made a remark that Tayvana had moved out. I remarked that I hope so. Then, Detective Shirkey proceeded to use a tactic of trying to switch the narrative by stating you too (implying Tayvana and me) need to leave each other alone. I implied that I don’t say anything: all I do is come home and be very quiet. I have never threatened or harassed Tayvana. I have tried to seek help from law enforcement and the apartment manager, but Detective Shirkey got extremely combative and tried to use a well-known tactic: switching the narrative when a detective becomes angry. It is my belief that Detective Shirkey may have impeded the investigation in this case or even conspired with the prosecutor to bury my case.

On December 6, 2021, I emailed Detective Shirkey to ask for a court date on Tayvana because no one from the prosecutor’s office had contacted me. Also, I informed him that it was important that I follow through with this court case, as Tayvana never stopped harassing me, as she has done things such as walk up to my front door. Detective Shirkey responded and told me that the court date was on 12/14/21 at 8:00 am and I would need to call 901-457-2580 to speak with the prosecutor.

On December 13, 2021, I emailed Detective Shirkey about the location of the court date, as the prosecutor still has not contacted me. So, just in case, the prosecutor still would not contact me, I asked him the exact address. Later on that day, I called at 8:04 am at the phone number that Detective Shirkey provided to me of 901-457-2580. I asked to be transferred to the prosecutor in my case, but I was never transferred as Stephanie, who was the person that answered the phone, told me that if the prosecutor needed me for court then I would send me a letter and subpoena me.

On December 20, 2021, I emailed Detective Eric Shirkey and asked for the name of the prosecutor in my case. I informed him that I tried speaking with a prosecutor several times and was told that the prosecutor would subpoena me if I am needed. I reiterated that no one from the prosecutor had called me. Update: Detective Eric Shirkey has refused to respond to the email as of January 5, 2022.


Disclaimer: I have no intentions of harming others or myself. I have not broken any laws. I have no intentions of running away. If I am murdered, come up missing, or something similar happens to close members of my family or friends, look at all of the individuals and police departments mentioned in this website. I am less afraid of my rapist and more afraid of these department (including detectives and police officers) and prosecutors.

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