Police Officers

Female Officer of Indian or Mexican Descent from Collierville Police Department

This female officer, who appears to be of Indian or Mexican descent, deserves to be investigated at least by me because Collierville Police more than likely will not do it. She was about 5’3″-5’4″ with heavily drawn on eyebrows, tanned skin, in the age range of 50-56 years old. I do not know her name, but she could not conceal her anger, so with anger comes distorting and manipulating evidence, as this is the norm. It appears that my name has fully circulated inside the Collierville Police department at this point, as I have had to call the police and make complaints on Montina and Tavyana Todd. Thus, I presume they will retaliate, as police officers have a high rate of being very vindictive.*

I am sure that the female officer thinks of herself as a “good” officer, but you are not. You were trying to twist, distort, omit, and alter facts. This is a disgraceful tactic that needs to be purged from all police departments. Similar to Detective Shirkey, you are also a very poor actor.

In a video that will be posted soon, I will show the interactions that will be a great tool to show a tactic used by the police officers and detective to alter facts to create a narrative that does not exist.

For now, this is a timeline of events as it pertains to this female officer:

On January 4, 2022, beating and yelling originated from [address retracted], which is Montina’s address. Initially, I thought it was possible that Montina and Tayvana were fighting because I heard bumping, crying, and yelling. However, as time progressed, Tayvana starting yelling “her” then I realized this was yet another tactic to intimidate me through a wall, which is ridiculous. Tayvana cannot control her temper whatsoever. Then, I heard what appeared to be a threat to “kill her”, but I will verify through a forensic services to have an audio analysis because this is a serious allegation. Thus, I want to remove any other possibilities or excuses that police officers will come up with for not pursuing a threat to kill me.  I heard this 2 times, so at 4:13 pm, I called the police again. When the police arrived, I went outside and informed officers that I had the audio of Tayvana on my phone regarding this incident, as I wanted to eliminate ALL excuses. If I have video and a witness, then officers would ask about audio because they are trying to discredit and shut me down. Most of the officers are well aware of Tayvana’s violent history, but they are trying to cover it up, but it is not because Tayvana has such great connections in law enforcement. It is because they are hell bent on discrediting me. None of the Police Departments nor the prosecutor’s office are happy that I have been speaking out for the last 4 years and filing complaints. They would rather Tayvana continue to harass, threaten, or possibly kill me than ever protect me in my opinion.

Despite audio evidence, the female officer (50-56 year old, drawn eyebrows, Indian/Mexican)  still tried to deflect and distort the narrative. She did not seem to care at all if Tayvana Todd threatened to kill me. It was amazing how this female officer tried to circumvent evidence. The female officer asked did she (Tayvana) have any problems with other neighbors: I told her that Tayvana cut up her mother tires and her mother said that she was going around the hood with guns, knives, tasers, and fighting people. Of course, this female officer ignored this and asked why does Tayvana do this to only you: One, Tayvana has assaulted several people per her mother. In addition, she cut her mother’s tires up based on her mother. However, none of this even matters because I have the audio. This is evidence. This female officer tried hard to alter the facts despite audio, which she NEVER asked to hear. Matter of fact, I told the officers several times that I had the recordings of this incident. No one, but the apartment manager (he is Montina’s friend as well), who happened to be walking up earlier, even asked to hear it. Literally, I had to tell her that I had a timeline and evidence of all of the harassing to finally stop her from trying to distort the truth. A male officer ended up writing it out as a noise complaint, but he did say that I could amend the complaint with the audio. After I post the audio of which I will be taking to a forensic audio analyst, I will be going to the police station and amending the police complaint, as I am sure that it won’t be truthful. Montina’s police friends and co-workers won’t stop me from speaking up. There are more details, but to end this passage, I will stop here (Audio will be posted).


* I want to make this clear that there were also several white male police officers as well of which I have nothing to report that would give me reason to think that they weren’t trying to document the incident properly. It could have been a good cop and bad cop scenario, but I am being honest and transparent in my viewpoint.


Note: I am not a person against police officer or the district attorney’s office. Matter of fact, I believe that we should pay police officers at least $100,000 per year (depending on the location, it should be higher) along with proper training and extensive mental health support. However, I will never support a Police Department or District Attorney’s Office that conceals corruption in any form. Accountability is the only acceptable means to avoid a corrupt system. This site is holding them accountable. You are not above the law. 


Disclaimer:  I have no intentions of harming others or myself. I have not broken any laws. I have no intentions of running away. If I am murdered, come up missing, or something similar happens to close members of my family or friends, look at all of the individuals and police departments mentioned in this website. I am less afraid of my rapist and more afraid of these department (including detectives and police officers) and prosecutors.


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