
Montina – An Employee of Collierville Police Department

Usually, I would not discuss neighbors, as I report on officials’ misconduct and crimes. However, my neighbor, Montina, must be discussed, as she is a large piece of the allegedly ongoing corruption of the Collierville Police Department that has affected me and possibly other neighbors. Montina works for the Collierville Police Department, as a jail attendant (I assume).

My mother was one of the scariest women that I have ever encountered, so I prefer to separate myself from her. However, Montina has similar qualities of my mother, but worse in some areas, so living next to her has been uncomfortable. Based on previous conversations, texts, and tactics, Montina is one of the most evil and manipulative women that anyone will encounter, who gossips about everybody and hates everything from animals to people, which is my strong opinion of her. Thus, a person with such a poor character is born with a corrupted soul. I am extremely thankful that Montina is not a police officer because she would be one of the most corrupt officers on the force in my opinion.

I am not saying any of this to sound or be harsh. I am providing my point of view based on overall interactions with her. Montina is so scary because she has a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality.

Let me explain: Lt. Yelvington at Collierville Police hired and really likes Montina as an employee. Matter of fact, Lt. Yelvington liked her so much that he tried to help conceal allegations for the benefit of Montina: The allegation was that Montina used police records to locate the caller (who was her neighbor) to intimidate and harass that neighbor into being silent. The neighbor, who called the police, alledgely did so because she was afraid for Tayvana, as it appeared that Montina was physically assaulting her or something to that nature. When I asked Lt. Yelvington was he going to investigate this intimidation of another neighbor, he said that it was not relevant. Well, Lt. Yelvington may not think that it is important, but I do, so I will be attempting to locate the caller that Montina claimed that she alledgely made freeze up (in fear). Lt. Yelvington helped Montina in my complaint against her for trying to intimidate me as well. Even when I asked him twice to escalate my complaint after his non-investigation, he ignored the complaint both times. However, he did confide to me earlier that Montina is just trying to “scare you”, which is not acceptable.

Now, Lt. Yelvington likes Montina as an employee, so much that he would rather just bury all of this. Being a good employee has nothing to do with being a good neighbor or person. I will show you in the several texts that she wanted to kick a neighbor’s dog just because it came near her (even said she hates all animals), she called neighbors “fat ass”, threatened to block neighbors in a parking spot to force them to crawl out of their car, stated that Tayvana sliced her tires, and Montina implied that she would fight a neighbor because they threw paper in front of her door.  Lt. Yelvington, these are NOT good people: Montina and her daughter are psychotic.

Montina is as disruptive as Tayvana Todd, who is her daughter. However, Montina knows how to alter perception and act like she is doing nothing.


Before I blocked Montina’s number, she would ask me things like could I watch her car because she believed that her child (Tayvana) would comeback and vandalize it again. Matter of fact, Montina asked me to watch her car because her “evil” sister was in town and she didn’t want her sister to vandalize her car. I have no idea if her sister is evil or not, but I am going to make a wager that Montina is the issue especially with the unfortunate allegations that I heard that her sister experienced.

To digress in order to help Montina’s sister, I am truly sorry that you may have been a victim to an awful crime especially from someone who was supposed to protect and love you. To have your sister run around, tell people that it never happened, and that you are a liar would hurt just as much as the alleged sexual abuse. Thankfully, I had a sister who supported me when I was sexually abused, which helped me coup better. I wish Montina’s sister all of the healing needed. If you need my help, you are more than welcomed to join my support group that deals with victims of rape and sexual molestation.


Now, I will proceed with an excerpt of the timeline of events that was included in various complaints that was filed against Montina along with text messages from Montina to my phone. Please see the following:

For the last 5 years, my neighbor (Montina and Tayvana Todd) at [address retracted] have been playing their music very loud. I have made several noise complaints to the apartment manager over the years because it has been unbearable at times. At one point, I thought if I was very kind to the neighbors at [address retracted] then they would be courteous and not continuously play loud music. Montina and I were only communicating for about 1 year, which was this period of time that she finally started to ask me if it was fine to play her music loud. She called it “concert time” because she would blast her music, so Montina is aware that her music disturbs her neighbors. Due to an uncomfortable advancement of Montina, I had to block her phone number and stop talking to her in about 2018. Immediately within that year, the loud music at [address retracted], ramped up again and has continued for 4 more years. 

On September 7, 2021, I called the police on [address retracted] because I was very tired of having to endure loud music continuously for years. After the officer left, the daughter beat on my wall and started yelling and screaming. I contacted the apartment manager to inform him that her music was loud again and that she started beating on the wall and yelling. I went to the Collierville Police Station and spoke with an officer, who ended up calling his superiority. The officer’s superior ended up getting Montina’s boss, who was Lt. David Yelvington, involved after he heard my concerns. I filled out a report, but I didn’t want to make Montina mad at me, as she had informed me once before that she had pulled a neighbor’s phone number made to the police on her (referring to Montina) beating her daughter, Tayvana. While Montina was living  at [address retracted], she told me that she had confronted a neighbor that called the police on her for beating Tayvana and she stated that she told that neighbor to never call the police on her (referring to Montina) again. Montina stated that the neighbor froze. I asked for David Yelvington’s card. [At this point, Collierville Police was pretending to assist me, but they tried to conceal this matter and shut me up later.]

On September 13, 2021 at 12:20 pm, I was walking to my car when Montina started staring angrily at me. It made me uncomfortable and extremely nervous that Montina would eventually confront me, as she admitted that she had did to a previous neighbor. So, I located David Yelvington’s card later on that night and tried to reach him the next morning on September 14, 2021.

On September 14, 2021 at 9:55 am, I called David Yelvington at 901-508-6165, but was unable to reach him, so I left a message regarding Montina’s behavior. Later on that day at 3:57 pm, Lt. Yelvington was able to contact me. I informed him that Montina’s was staring at me as though she was really angry, so I had a feeling that she knew that I called the police on her daughter, Tayvana. Also, I informed Lt. Yelvington of the incident that possible has lead up to all the resumed loud music.

Conversation with Lt. Yelvington was the following:

  • A few years ago, Montina [had waived me to get inside her gold Pontiac G6 of which I did, as we were] cordial to one another. [Montina went on to tell me that her sister had claimed that their dad had molested her sister. At this moment, Montina claimed that her sister was mad at her for not believing her. Montina told me that her sister hated her and that her sister would attempt to vandalize her car because of this.] Montina remarked how pretty that I was (I ignored this). [Montina continued on and stated that she (referring to Montina) had been bleeding for years of which she was upset and that she eventually got it fixed.] Montina stated that she was so happy about it that she (referring to Montina) tasted herself. [Montina stated that her cousin is the one that introduced her to girls and said that she was ready to try out girls especially since she had a previous boyfriend that made a fool out of her and cheated on her with the neighbor.] This conversation was making me very uneasy. [Montina continued and stated that her brother said that God don’t condone her being gay. She said that she replied that she believes in God, so it should be ok.] Then, Montina turned her attention back on me and asked me why wasn’t I dating because I was so pretty. I told her that I was not interested in dating at all. She asked me was I interested in girls. I emphatically told her “NO” and that I do not swing that way. I also told her that I thought that it was disgusting to go down on a girl and that I could never do it. Montina replied that I could be a “pillow princess” and just receive it. I once again told her no, but she replied that a woman knows how another woman wants to be touched. At this point, I told her that I had to leave. Later, I blocked Montina’s number, as I realize that Montina had been grooming me all along and trying to manipulate me into letting her go down on me. It appears that Montina has growingly became more angry at me for turning her down and further distancing myself away from her as time has passed, as I no longer even would return a “Hello” back to her this year, as Montina made me very uncomfortable.

During the conversation on September 14, 2021, I asked Lt. Yelvington if he could talk to Montina, as to avoid Montina trying to further intimidate or later confront me. I reiterated to please tell Montina that I have no intention of getting her in trouble, but I would like for this to stop. Lt. Yelvington stated that I could make a report on Montina and it would be investigated, but that it would be hard to remedy. I decided against making any report, as I was nervous at making her mad. Lt. Yelington stated that he would speak with Montina and call me at an agreed upon time of 4:00 pm. *Note: anything in brackets in this paragraph was not talked about with Lt. Yelington, as I felt it necessary to summarize and include the most pertinent details. However, this information was included in the complaint to give as much detail as possible on the event that occurred when Montina proposition me in a sexual manner to provide a clear picture of events that occurred.

On September 15, 2021, Lt. David Yelivngton called me at 4:04 pm to update me on the meeting with Montina. Lt. Yelivngton told me that he spoke with Montina. In that conversation, Montina admitted to telling her daughter not to say anything to me, but Montina stated that her daughter said something to me anyway. Montina also admitted that she has no control over her daughter and that even as a kid that she had not control over what her daughter does. I reiterated to Lt. Yelington that I am rather nervous that Montina would harass me like she did the other neighbor, as she pulled that phone call and used it to intimidate that neighbor into being silent. Lt Yelvington told me that he believed that Montina made that statement to ” just to scare” me.

Update on 1/4/22:

On January 4, 2022, beating and yelling originated from [address retracted], which is Montina’s address. Initially, I thought it was possible that Montina and Tayvana were fighting. However, as time progressed, Tayvana starting yelling “her” then I realized this was yet another tactic. Tayvana will not control her temper. Then, I heard what appeared to be a threat to “kill her”. I heard this 2 times, so at 4:13 pm, I called the police again. Montina and Tayvana really do what the want at this apartment community.

Tayvana was recorded and an updated video will be posted. Montina and Tayvana, your intimidation tactics won’t work on me. You are trying to make me fearful and quiet, but I am going to speak up every time you or your daughter try something. Montina, I have posted all of your rude texts calling neighbors fat ass; threatening to block neighbors in the parking lot so they would be forced to crawl out of the car; when a neighbor threw paper in front of your door, you made a threat that implied that you was going to basically beat the neighbor up; saying that you hate animals and want to kick a neighbor’s dog just because it came near you, and saying that Tayvana sliced your tires up. You gossip about everyone and try to intimidate people into silence. Your daughter can’t be slick like you because her temper is terrible.  I am not that neighbor that you scared into being quiet because she called the police on you. It will not work on me, so you are going to have to go back to the drawing board and work up a new scheme with your police friends.

Montina text me the following from her phone numbers of 901-340-5077 and of 901-736-7805:

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Update 1/12/22

On January 12, 2022, it appears that something occured today (was her daughter required to finally move back out…I don’t know) because Montina was angry and very passive aggressive again. Driving up, parking in 2 parking spaces, and playing music loudly in the early evening and at 6:41 pm at night. This household will never learn nor stop.  Again, Montina’s attempt to slick harass, annoy and disturb me will be noted. This simply makes me update this article and continue to speak up on her behavior. I am sure that she was informed about my certified letter as well as linking the video evidence of the harassment sent to the main office, which also shows this website address at the end, as her conduct is showing signs of it. Now, there may be a plan to force me out of my home. We shall see.

Update 1/13/22

On January 13, 2022, Montina parked next to my car blasting her music in the car, again.

Update 1/19/22

On January 19, 2022, Montina parked blasting her music once again.

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