
Tayvana Todd: Threatening & Harassing Tactics Get Covered Up By Prosecutors

On September 12, 2021, I was a victim of a simple assault with the defendant being Tayvana Todd. There was a witness present and video footage. My witness and I filled out a written statement detailing the events. Background: Tayvana Todd is Montina’s daughter with both of them residing at  [address retracted] in Collierville. In addition, Montina works for Collierville Police under the supervision of Lt. David Yelvington. I have been subjected to Montina and Tayvana Todd loud music for 5 years. Montina even called it “concert time”. After I was a victim of threats and ongoing harassments from Tayvana Todd, I was forced to call the police.  

On December 20, 2021, the apartment manager informed me that the charges against Tayvana was dismissed and her records expunged, so they were allowing her to move back into the apartments. This shocked me, as the prosecutor never contacted me even though I made several attempts to contact the prosecutor in the case. In addition, I supplied timelines to Detective Shirkey, reiterated to him the ongoing harassment throughout the months, and the fact that it was imperative that I attend the court hearing.  I notified Detective Shirkey on September 22, 2021 that I had video footage as well. However, Collierville prosecutor(s) continued to fail to contact or subpoena my witness and me.

Thus, the Collierville District Attorney violated my constitutional rights. At minimum, prosecutor(s) are guilty of failing to contact or subpoena a witness and victim to prosecute the case, which is an unethical violation, as there is a duty given to them. However, I surmise that they are doing this, as retailiation against me since I have been reporting on crimes commited by their friends in the police department and one of their co-workers, Assistant District Attorney Glenda Adams. *Note”: Glenda Adams and a group of MPD officers were indicted on August 3, 2021 for conspiring with one another. Click here to read about it.

Per the Tennessee Constitution in Article I, § 35 in the Crime Victims’ Bill of Rights, the following rights are afforded to certain victims:

  1. The right to confer with the prosecutor about their case.
  2. The right to be free from harassment, intimidation, and abuse throughout the criminal justice system.
  3. The right to be at all proceedings where the defendant has the right to be present.
  4. The right to be heard, when relevant, at all critical stages of the criminal justice process as defined by the General Assembly.
  5. The right to be informed of all proceedings, and of the release, transfer or escape of the accused or convicted person.
  6. The right to a speedy trial or disposition and a prompt and final conclusion of the case after the conviction or sentence.
  7. The right to restitution from the offender.
  8. The right to know about each of these rights established for victims. 

In addition, per Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-38-102(a)(2):

  • Victims’ have rights to protection and support with prompt action if victims experience intimidation or retaliation. All victims of crime and prosecution witnesses have the right to [p]rotection and support with prompt action in the case of intimidation or retaliation from the defendant and the defendant’s agents or friends.

My rights were grossly violated as Tayvana was allowed to continuously harass me after she was arrested, which I supplied a timeline to Detective Eric Shirkey on September 22, 2021. I contacted Shirkey again on December 6, 2021 to inform him that Tayvana’s harassment never stopped and to inquire about a court date, as I had never been contacted.

Prosecutor(s) in Collierville denied me all of my rights outlined in Article I, § 35. In addition, I still do not know the date of the dissolution of the case nor the reason. However, I did send a certified letter on December 22, 2021 to Amy P. Weirich (BPR #014441), Mr. Charles Wadsworth Bell (BPR #004551), and Ms. Mary W. Thorsberg (BPR #013807) requesting answers for the failure to communicate among other matters. I did not receive justice or due process entitled to me with the basic rights afforded to me. However, as of January 4, 2022, all of the prosecutors are refusing to respond to my letters and email: Amy Weirich, Mr. Charles Bell, Ms. Mary Thorsberg, and Nicholas Pierotti.

This is the timeline of events in complaints that was filed against Montina and the prosectuor with notations that there are video footage and some images attached in certain complaints. Please see the following:

Background of Events Leading to 9/7/21:

For the last 5 years, my neighbor (Montina and Tayvana Todd) at [address retracted] have been playing their music very loud. I have made several noise complaints to the apartment manager over the years because it has been unbearable at times. At one point, I thought if I was very kind to the neighbors at [address retracted] then they would be courteous and not continuously play loud music. Montina and I were only communicating for about 1 year, which was this period of time that she finally started to ask me if it was fine to play her music loud. She called it “concert time” because she would blast her music, so Montina is aware that her music disturbs her neighbors. Due to an uncomfortable advancement of Montina, I had to block her phone number and stop talking to her in about 2017. Immediately within that year, the loud music at [address retracted], ramped up again and has continued for 4 more years. 

The mother of Tayvana Todd is Montina. The mother admitted to the following in text message from her phone numbers of 901-340-5077 and phone number of 901-736-7805: Tayvana Todd (from hereinafter referred to as “daughter” in the passage) was a liar; the daughter was a part of a group of people who were pulling out guns, knives, tasers, and fighting other groups of people in the hood; the daughter has an uncontrollable temper, the daughter had flatten her (referring to the Montina) tires in the front of [address retracted] and Montina admitted that her daughter is uncontrollable and violent especially with “guns, knives, tasers, and fighting” with a gang of people make me in fear for my life without a doubt.  

Current Events as of 1/4/22

On September 7, 2021, I called the police on [address retracted] because I was very tired of having to endure loud music continuously for years. After the officer left, the daughter beat on my wall and started yelling and screaming. I contacted the apartment manager to inform him that her music was loud again and that she started beating the wall and yelling. I went to the Collierville Police Station and spoke with an officer, who ended up calling his superiority. The officer’s superior ended up getting Montina’s boss, who was Lt. David Yelvington, involved after he heard my concerns. I filled out a report, but I didn’t want to make Montina mad at me, as she had informed me once before that she had pulled a neighbor’s phone number made to the police on her (referring to Montina) beating her daughter, Tayvana. While Montina was living  at [address retracted], she told me that she had confronted a neighbor that called the police on her for beating Tayvana and she stated that she told that neighbor to never call the police on her (referring to Montina) again. Montina stated that the neighbor froze. I asked for David Yelvington’s card. [At this point, Collierville Police was pretending to assist me, but they tried to conceal this matter and shut me up later.]


On September 13, 2021 at 12:20 pm, I was walking to my car when Montina started staring angrily at me. It made me uncomfortable and extremely nervous that Montina would eventually confront me, as she admitted that she had did to a previous neighbor. So, I located David Yelvington’s card later on that night and tried to reach him the next morning on September 14, 2021.

On September 14, 2021 at 9:55 am, I called David Yelvington at 901-508-6165, but was unable to reach him, so I left a message regarding Montina’s behavior. Later on that day at 3:57 pm, Lt. Yelvington was able to contact me. I informed him that Montina’s was staring at me as though she was really angry, so I had a feeling that she knew that I called the police on her daughter, Tayvana. Also, I informed Lt. Yelvington of the incident that possible has lead up to all the resumed loud music.

Conversation with Lt. Yelvington was the following:

  • A few years ago, Montina [had waived me to get inside her gold Pontiac G6 of which I did, as we were] cordial to one another. [Montina went on to tell me that her sister had claimed that their dad had molested her sister. At this moment, Montina claimed that her sister was mad at her for not believing her. Montina told me that her sister hated her and that her sister would attempt to vandalize her car because of this.] Montina remarked how pretty that I was (I ignored this). [Montina continued on and stated that she (referring to Montina) had been bleeding for years of which she was upset and that she eventually got it fixed.] Montina stated that she was so happy about it that she (referring to Montina) tasted herself. [Montina stated that her cousin is the one that introduced her to girls and said that she was ready to try out girls especially since she had a previous boyfriend that made a fool out of her and cheated on her with the neighbor.] This conversation was making me very uneasy. [Montina continued and stated that her brother said that God don’t condone her being gay. She said that she replied that she believes in God, so it should be ok.] Then, Montina turned her attention back on me and asked me why wasn’t I dating because I was so pretty. I told her that I was not interested in dating at all. She asked me was I interested in girls. I emphatically told her “NO” and that I do not swing that way. I also told her that I thought that it was disgusting to go down on a girl and that I could never do it. Montina replied that I could be a “pillow princess” and just receive it. I once again told her no, but she replied that a woman knows how another woman wants to be touched. At this point, I told her that I had to leave. Later, I blocked Montina’s number, as I realize that Montina had been grooming me all along and trying to manipulate me into letting her go down on me. It appears that Montina has growingly became more angry at me for turning her down and further distancing myself away from her as time has passed, as I no longer even would return a “Hello” back to her this year, as Montina made me very uncomfortable.

During the conversation on September 14, 2021, I asked Lt. Yelvington if he could talk to Montina, as to avoid Montina trying to further intimidate or later confront me. I reiterated to please tell Montina that I have no intention of getting her in trouble, but I would like for this to stop. Lt. Yelvington stated that I could make a report on Montina and it would be investigated, but that it would be hard to remedy. I decided against making any report, as I was nervous at making her mad. Lt. Yelington stated that he would speak with Montina and call me at an agreed upon time of 4:00 pm. *Note: anything in brackets in this paragraph was not talked about with Lt. Yelington, as I felt it necessary to summarize and include the most pertinent details. However, it was included in the offical complaint that I filed against Montina to provide as much detail as possible on the event that occurred when Montina proposition me in a sexual manner to provide a clear picture of events that occurred.

On September 15, 2021, Lt. David Yelivngton called me at 4:04 pm to update me on the meeting with Montina. Lt. Yelivngton told me that he spoke with Montina. In that conversation, Montina admitted to telling her daughter not to say anything to me, but Montina stated that her daughter said something to me anyway. Montina also admitted that she has no control over her daughter and that even as a kid that she had not control over what her daughter does. I reiterated to Lt. Yelington that I am rather nervous that Montina would harass me like she did the other neighbor, as she pulled that phone call and used it to intimidate that neighbor into being silent. Lt Yelvington told me that he believed that Montina made that statement to ” just to scare” you.

On September 16, 2021, the arrest warrant was issued for Tayvana Todd to the best of my knowledge.

On September 19, 2021, Tayvana Todd went through the house yelling and she started slamming doors of which none of this was normal behavior, so it was noted. This is the day that Tayvana started waiting outside for prolonged periods of time like hours. At 12:52 pm is when Tayvana started remaining outdoors: she would open her car door, look at my door, sit it her car with the door closed and opened with her body turned all the way out of the car. She was talking loud and yelling throughout, which lasted for hours up until about 5:38 pm or so. So, she spent almost 5 hours outside, yelling, looking at my car, and so on. Montina’s car was at the house most of the day from what I noticed. I made it a point not to exit my house as I felt unsafe. All of this was behavior that I had never seen before.

On September 20, 2021, Tayvana Todd went through the house once again yelling around 10:11 am, which was odd behavior once again, but was repeated behavior from September 19, 2021. At 11:02 am, Tayvana started with sitting in her car again, starring at my car, starring at my door, and so on. I had to walk out of the door to leave to pick up the police report to give to the apartment manager, as he requested a copy. Upon pulling back up at my apartment, Tayvana glared down at me without breaking her gaze. I walked in my house and the mother arrived. I had to leave back out to finally give the apartment manager the report. I rushed in my car to avoid having Tayvana star at me for long periods of time. When I came back home, Tayvana was standing within 2 feet at the rear of my car, which was located 4 parking spots down from her black Chevy Aveo. This was very odd and strange behavior as she has never done this before. All during this day, Tayvana kept staring at me, my front door, having her body turned outside of her car, remaining inside her car even during rain, and so on. Montina would arrive and leave several times and it doesn’t seem like Montina even questioned Tayvana’s odd behavior of sitting outside and staring at my door. At 5:27 pm, Montina had arrived, parked, and had also started sitting in her car. At 5:39 pm, Tayvana opened the passenger side door of the gold Pontiac G6, Tayvana got inside the car with her mother, Montina, and made a jester towards my car. At that time, I saw and heard Montina get out of her car and begin laughing really loud. Tayvana went back to her car. Tayvana remained outside from 11:02 am until almost 6:00 pm with little time spent in the house or actually driving. She remained outside which was very intimidating and it placed me in fear that she would attack me at any moment. It was like she was waiting to do something. I didn’t know what weapons that she may have in her possession. In addition, I kept in mind the threat that Tayvana made upon me and the fact that her mother, Montina, once told me that her daughter was involved with a gang of people and that Tayvana was included in using guns, knives, tasers, and fighting. In addition, I was confident that the mother was also helping her daughter in intimidating me after witnessing Tayvana’s behavior inside the car and the mother’s, Montina, response to it. As a result of this intimation from Tayvana, I called Detective Eric Shirkey at 901-457-2849 at 5:53 pm and left a message asking for him to call me as Tayvana was trying to intimidate me. As a result of this involvement of Montina, I called her boss, Lt. Yelvington, at 5:57 pm and left a message.

On September 21, 2021, I rushed out of my house in an attempt to avoid Tayvana and her mother. I went to the apartment manager to show him the footage from yesterday and to plead for him to remove Tayvana from the apartment, as I believe that she would harm my child, me, or my property, as Tayvana has been unhinged and has doubled down on harassing me. I left to go to work. Then, I arrived at home with a lot of boxes and paperwork. As I was gathering the paperwork and preparing to exit my car, Tayvana came outside at 4:24 pm. I went to the backseat and retrieved 2 big boxes, as Tayvana got in her front seat with the car door wide open staring at me up and down while I was getting the boxes out of my car. While I was struggling to unlock my door, Tayvana was walking up to her door, glance over at me, and she immediately yelled when I heard her door open, “Do something, bitch!” I was nervous, so I dropped the boxes and was going to leave and head to the apartment manager’s office but I thought about my child, as she was in the house alone, so I parked the car and hurried and rushed into the house. I texted the apartment manager about the Tayana walking out and yelling at me to “Do something, Bitch!”. Then, I called the police. Tayvana went outside and was yelling again going in and out of her front seat of her car for about 5 minutes. I saw Tayvana leave and assumed she had left the apartment. I waited on the police to arrive. Once I saw the police, I told the Officer P. Jenkins the exact events that had transpired and that video footage was available of the exact course of events. I told him that Tayvana is harassing and scaring me to the point that I am nervous to leave the house. I told officer Jenkins that I had my weapon on my hip. I informed him that I am licensed and it is legal. Jenkins discussed with the other officer and informed me that Tayvana was “picked up” on the arrest. I told both officers that Tayvana had been starring up and down when I come outside. Also, I told Jenkins that yesterday Tayvana was on the opposite side of my car about 4 cars away from her own car, which she had never done before. I told the officers that I have footage of her sitting in her car throughout yesterday and just staring at me up and down and I showed it to both officers. I asked the other officer what can be done by her continuing to harass me. One officer (black male, name unknown) informed me nothing and that Tayavana would have to attack me, as it is her words against mine. I reiterated that I have footage of her obviously harassing me. At some point, the mother, Montina, arrived on the scene. While Montina was passing me and officer P Jenkins, she made a statement that Tayvana doesn’t mess with anybody. This was a direct conflict and a lie based on the previous incidents that the mother informed me about (text message available) as well as the conversation that she had with Lt. Yelvington, as she appeared to admit that her daughter was saying things to me. At this point, I feel like my child’s and mine life is in complete jeopardy. *Note: At one point, the officer (black male, name unknown) went inside Montina’s apartment and stayed inside for more than 10 minutes.  

Late night on September 21, 2021, I started typing the timeline of all of the behavior that has happened to give a timeline of events to show the magnitude of harassment and intimidation. I completed this timeline and emailed it to and, which is Detective Eric Shirkey and Lt. David Yelvington’s email addresses. I begged them for their help, as I didn’t know what to do. It is my belief based on a series of evidence and behavior that Montina is either condoning Tayvana’s behavior or is attempting to conceal Tayvana’s behavior. In the closing of the complaint, I asked for Lt. Yellington or someone equivalent to start an investigation against Montina. In addition, I pleaded for thier help in stopping this harassment and possible bodily harm to my child and/or me. Also, I asked Lt. Yelvington to investigate Montina’s attempt in intimidating me, but Lt. Yelvington completely ignored my email.

On September 22, 2021, Detective Eric Shirkey called me and referenced the email that I sent him earlier that morning. Det. Shirkey explained why he had not returned any of my phone calls, which did not really make sense, but I didn’t question it as I didn’t want to annoy him. I apologized for disturbing him, but I reiterated that this harassment from Tayvana Todd has been ongoing and she has increased it after being arrested.

On September 30, 2021, I went to the police department to retrieve the police report of 9/21/21. While reading the report, I noticed that there were several omissions and lies. During my visit, I talked to Lt. Yelvington about this matter and the timeline that I told him that there is video of the exact events and that the police report was not accurate and that there was video to prove it. An officer was called to the front to correct the errors, but even that still not ratify all the errors. The officer sent to correct the police report told me that all of the details that I told her needs to be told in front of a judge when I am subpoenaed for court. Also, I asked about filing a complaint against Montina. He told me that there was nothing that he could do. I reiterated that I wanted to file a complaint and he finally settled upon a citizen’s complaint. However, Lt. Yelvington left without there actually being one filed.

On September 30, 2021 at 2:27 pm, I was at Wal-Mart in an aisle looking at a tools when I looked up and locked eyes with Tayvana. Tayvana starred me down and made a shoulder move of rocking side to side along with her neck that was indicative of “what’s up!”. She was on the opposite side of the aisle (left side) and I was across on the right side inside an aisle. Tayvana crossed the left aisle and went in the painting section beside me and randomly started talking very loudly (Noted on the Recording). She remained there talking very loud the entire duration of me being on that aisle. When I saw Tayvanan, she was not on the phone, so her talking this loud and moving across the aisle in the painting section right behind my aisle is an indication that she was once again trying to slick intimidate me. I retrieved my product, purchased, and left the Wal-mart without further contact with her. This is after Tayvana has moved out of the apartment, but she is continuing trying to slick intimidate me, which will be noted. Note: I had just left the police present of which Tayvana’s mother, Montina, works to obtain the police report, spoke with Yelvington, and updated the records, which occurred outside in front the police station in front of the area where Montina does work. It is possible that Tayvana being at Wal-Mart was not a coincidence.

On October 5, 2021, I emailed Detective Eric Shirkey to try to correct the police report from 9/21/21 yet again. He said that he could attach my email on the section that is not public and only people like judges and officers could see. I asked if it would bear my email address and he replied “yes.” At this point, I was nervous, as I had discovered that an officer at Collierville had shared details about me including my location to his family member, which placed my life in further jeopardy. In addition, I discovered that the district attorney, Glenda Adams, was just recently indicted as of August of 2021 on several felony offenses. Attorney Adams was the prosecutor that conspired with law enforcement to conceal my rape and abuse case. Thus, I was rather uncomfortable. When I remarked to Detective Shirkey that I have trust issues with police officers, he turned combative: raised his voice and stated “you called us!” as though to imply that I should not called the police. I asked him if the police report dated 9/21/21 could be corrected, as I have tried once before to have it corrected. Detective Shirkey said “No!”. I told him that he could include the email address and that I would just have to discard the email address. Once again, Detective Shirkey was combative with a raised tone and stated I don’t care what you do. Detective Shirkey made a remark that Tayvana had moved out. I remarked that I hope so. Then, Detective Shirkey proceeded to use a tactic of trying to switch the narrative by stating you too (implying Tayvana and me) need to leave each other alone. I implied that I don’t say anything: all I do is come home and be very quiet. I have never threatened or harassed Tayvana. I have tried to seek help from law enforcement and the apartment manager, but Detective Shirkey got extremely combative and tried to use a well-known tactic: switching the narrative when a detective becomes angry. It is my belief that Detective Shirkey may have impeded the investigation in this case or even conspired with the prosecutor to bury my case.

On November 1, 2021 at 10-12:36 pm, Tayvana and Montina was talking outside pretty loudly with Tayvana also dancing awkwardly. Tayvana started talking even louder in front of my door, as she walked away from the male neighbor while walking up the pathway to the front of my door. Montina was present at the time of this incident. I contacted the apartment manager to inform him that Tayvana had approached my door. Also, I supplied the apartment manager with the image. Tayvana was not supposed to be in the apartment.

On November 11, 2021 at 7:51-8:28 am, Tayvana came over with a black male (appears to be in early twenties). Tayvana was talking loud enough and I saw the male turn over his right shoulder and stare at my vehicle. Both of them appeared to have entered the house at [address retracted], so Tayvana still had a key and access to the house.

On November 29, 2021 15:30-19:32 pm, Tayvana Todd came over in her mother’s car with her mother. I saw Tayvana get out of the car, stretch, and glance at my door. I told the apartment manager, but she still stayed hours after speaking with the apartment manager.

On December 6, 2021, I emailed Detective Shirkey to ask for a court date on Tayvana because no one from the prosecutor’s office had contacted me. Also, I informed him that it was important that I follow through with this court case, as Tayvana never stopped harassing me, as she has done things such as walk up to my front door. Detective Shirkey responded and told me that the court date was on 12/14/21 at 8:00 am and I would need to call 901-457-2580 to speak with the prosecutor.

On December 13, 2021, I emailed Detective Shirkey about the location of the court date, as the prosecutor still has not contacted me. So, just in case, the prosecutor still would not contact me, I asked him the exact address. Also, I called at 8:04 am at the phone number that Detective Shirkey provided to me of 901-457-2580. I asked to be transferred to the prosecutor in my case, but I was never transferred as Stephanie, who was the person that answered the phone, told me that if the prosecutor needed me for court then they would send me a letter and subpoena me.

On December 20, 2021, I learned that Tayvana Todd has moved back into the apartments, as I went to the apartment manager’s office once I saw Tayvana’s car once again. He informed me that the charges were just dropped. So, he stated that he had to let Tayvana move back in. I was surprised and confused that the charges were dropped because the District Attorney never contacted me or summons me to court. Regardless of the criminal case outcome, Montina’s and Tayvana’s conduct is in direct violation of the terms of the lease due to the noise complaints, threats, harassing and so on.

On December 20, 2021, I went to the Collierville Town Center to speak with the prosecutor in my case. One of the county clerks attempted to retrieve the case information to direct me to the proper prosecutor, but she could not locate the information in the system at all. I made a statement that it appeared that the record was expunged as well, as the apartment manager told me. I asked for all of the prosecutors’ names at Collierville as well as the Head of the District Attorney. I told the county clerk that I had heard that the case was dismissed, but a prosecutor never contacted or subpoenaed me to court. The county clerk stated that I would need to hire an attorney to get an answer as to why my case was dismissed, which sounded abnormal. Also, I asked for an address or phone number for these prosecutors, but I was informed that I would need to “Google it” as these prosecutors did not have an office. I remarked that this was strange that the victim would need to hire and attorney to receive an answer.

On December 20, 2021, I emailed Detective Eric Shirkey and asked for the name of the prosecutor in my case. I informed him that I tried speaking with a prosecutor several times and was told that the prosecutor would subpoena me if I am needed. I reiterated that no one from the prosecutor had called me. Update: Detective Eric Shirkey has refused to respond to the email as of January 4, 2022.

On December 22, 2021, I emailed Nicholas Justin Pierotti (BPR #030880) at, as he appears to be one of the district attorney/prosecutors for Collierville. Also, I mailed Amy Weirich, Charles Bell, and Mary Thornborg on December 22, 2021 with certified return signature.

  • Amy P. Weirich (BPR #014441)
    • 201 Poplar Ave Ste 11-01 Memphis, TN 38103
  • Charles Wadsworth Bell (BPR #004551)
    • 101 Walnut St Collierville, TN 38017
  • Mary W. Thorsberg (BPR #013807)
    • 156 N Rowlett St Collierville, TN 38017


Update on 1/4/22:

On January 4, 2022, beating and yelling originated from [address retracted], which is Montina’s address. Initially, I thought it was possible that Montina and Tayvana were fighting because I heard bumping, crying, and yelling. However, as time progressed, Tayvana starting yelling “her” then I realized this was yet another tactic to intimidate me through a wall. This is ridiculous! Tayvana cannot control her temper whatsoever, so she will never stop. Then, I heard what appeared to be a threat to “kill her”, but I will verify with an audio analysis for forensic services because this is a serious allegation Thus, I want to remove any other possibilities.  I heard this 2 times, so at 4:13 pm, I called the police. When the police arrived, I went outside and informed officers that I had the audio of Tayvana on my phone, as I wanted to eliminate ALL excuses. If I have video, then officers would ask about audio because they are trying to discredit and shut me down. These officers are well aware of Tayvana’s violent history, but they are trying to cover it up, but it is not because Tayvana has such great connections in law enforcement. It is because they are hell bent on discrediting me. None of the Police Departments nor the prosecutor’s office are happy that I have been speaking out for the last 4 years and filing complaints, they would rather Tayvana kill me than ever protect me. Despite audio evidence,  a female officer still tried to deflect and distort the narrative. The female officer asked did she (Tayvana) have any problems with other neighbors and I told her that Tayvana cut up her mother tires and her mother said that she was going around the hood with guns, knives, tasers, and fighting people. Of course, this female officer ignored this and asked why does Tayvana do this to only you: One, Tayvana has assaulted several people per her mother. In addition, she cut her mother’s tires up based on her mother. This female officer tried hard to alter the facts despite audio, which she NEVER asked to hear. Matter of fact, I told the officers several times that I had the recordings of this incident. No one, but the apartment manager, who is a friend of Montina, who happened to be walking up, even asked to hear. A male officers ended up writing it out as a noise complaint, but he did say that I could amend the complaint with the audio. After I post the audio, I will be going to the police station and amending it, as I am sure that it won’t be truthful. Montina’s police friends and co-workers won’t stop me from speaking up. There are more details, but to end this passage, I will stop here (Audio will be posted).

If the audio analysis comes back and Tayvana made the threat to “kill her” as it appears to sound to my ears and on the audio, I will press charges, but I will be going to the Department of Justice and the Tennessee State District Attorney’s Office for assistance with an attorney because I don’t trust any police officers, Collierville Police Department, Memphis Police Department, or Shelby County District Attorney’s Office. You all are condoning this and trying to cover it up.  If Tayvana harms my child or me, this is your fault. I am not being hyperbolic. I have a right to report on corruption without being framed! I have the right not let a man, beat and try to kill me! I have the right not to be raped! No matter the police station, corruption runs rampant and you all stick together no matter the department. What a display of disgusting behavior. This is why when Tayvana walked up to my door, I didn’t call the police because I don’t trust any officer. 

As I close, I have no intentions of harming myself or others. I have not broken any laws. I have no intentions of running away. If I am murdered, look at all of the individuals and police departments mentioned in this website. I am less afraid of my rapist and more afraid of these department (including detectives and police officers) and prosecutors.

Note: The timeline of “background of events leading to 9/7/21” and “current events as of 1/4/22” are all within one or more complaints filed against Montina, the prosectors, and other entities to show a more complete timeline. However, more incidents did occur, but I have decided to stop at this point, as this should provide a clear picture of the timeline of events.

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